After Hours leave message, Emergencies, call 911
(706) 982-3397
When calling AC please leave a message... your call will be returned.
Emergencies AFTER HOURS:
CALL 911
Animal Control will be contacted per Rabun County Emergency Protocol
Rabun County Animal Control is a division of Rabun Paws 4 Life, Inc. We are the contracted agency for the services associated with Animal Control as directed by the Rabun County Board of Commissioners. We abide by the ordinances of Rabun County and are charged with maintaining and upholding those ordinances. We are the agency that will in
Rabun County Animal Control is a division of Rabun Paws 4 Life, Inc. We are the contracted agency for the services associated with Animal Control as directed by the Rabun County Board of Commissioners. We abide by the ordinances of Rabun County and are charged with maintaining and upholding those ordinances. We are the agency that will investigate animal cruelty, abuse, hoarding, neglect but the charges associated with any of these activities are under the direct action of the Rabun County Marshall and the Rabun County Sheriff's Department.
We are part of the No-Kill philosophy of Rabun Paws 4 Life, Inc. We take our job with heart and mind to making the streets, roads, and all areas of our county safe from dangerous animals and protecting our animals from danger, neglect and abuse.
This is a summary and highlight of the ordinances in Rabun County.
For a full list of all ordinances go to Ordinances at
• Domestic animals (Cats and Dogs) At the age of 3 months of age must be vaccinated for Rabies. The animal must have the tag secured on the collar at all times
This is a summary and highlight of the ordinances in Rabun County.
For a full list of all ordinances go to Ordinances at
• Domestic animals (Cats and Dogs) At the age of 3 months of age must be vaccinated for Rabies. The animal must have the tag secured on the collar at all times.
• Dogs and cats running free within Rabun County must have a collar with the rabies tag and identification secured to the collar. The identification must have at LEAST the name, address
and phone number of the owner.
• It is unlawful for anyone to remove the collar of an animal unless that person is the owner.
• It is unlawful for anyone to keep a stray animal without notifying Animal Control.
• It is unlawful for anyone to knowingly abandon an animal with Rabun County.
• It shall be the duty of any animal owner to prevent the animal from being a nuisance.
• At no time may any person who surrenders an animal for adoption retrieve the animal.
Name of the Owner Address of the Owner Phone Number
of the Owner
Reclaim Fees: Base Reclaim Fee - $50.00 / 2nd Time Reclaim Fee - $100.00 / 3rd Time Pick-Up - Court Summons
Daily fee for all animals picked up - $10.00
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Help the animals and have FUN!!!!